WESST Client Profiles

Down to Earth and Radicle, LLC

Christie became an entrepreneur to change the world. With no business experience or any idea what it would take to be a business owner, she wanted to affect positive change for people and the environment and founded Down to Earth, LLC in 1999.

Christie believed that if people felt strongly enough about their food, land and natural resources, we would have a chance to turn the powerful tide of bioengineered crops, industrial agriculture and ecosystems denuded of living soil and water. Wanting to facilitate people-place connection through food and land stewardship she began her business specializing in custom organic edible gardens and regenerative native plant landscapes.

To promote innovative and ecologically regenerative design, Christie founded her second business, Radicle, which offers landscape design and implementation services that weave science with art, intuition with experience. She enjoys teaching workshops and giving presentations locally and beyond about why relationships to place, food, resources and each other is important.

WESST and Bette Bradbury in particular have helped consistently from the very beginning. As a mentor, asking the tough questions, providing positive encouragement and practical solution on an annual basis since 1999. Bette and WESST, helped gain access to invaluable community resources such as SCORE and she obtained multiple business loans through ACCION New Mexico, Century Bank and WESST.

Down to Earth has enabled Christy to work on small and large scale projects with residential clients, federal and local agencies, plant nurseries, schools and non-profit agencies to facilitate regenerative land-based projects and educate others about growing food building soil harvesting water and cultivating species diversity.

Client Details


Christie Green


Down to Earth and Radicle, LLC

"Many times when I go to WESST SFE, I feel discouraged and overwhelmed by the challenges of being an entrepreneur. Without fail, every time I leave, my determination, vision and drive are renewed."
Christie Green
Down to Earth and Radicle, LLC

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