WESST Client Profiles
Gloria I. Rodriguez & Associates
Gloria I Rodriguez & Associates, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Curriculum Specialists, is devoted to increasing the number of CLD professionals in the K-12 publishing world. Gloria creates a space for CLD professionals interested in writing culturally and linguistically responsive curriculum. Their participation as curriculum writers will enrich the K-12 grade level curriculum used in public schools across the country. It is well documented that the mainstream curriculum adopted by schools is not culturally reflective of the children, nor is it linguistically accessible to children learning English as a second language. The culturally and linguistically diverse community being served by Gloria’s entrepreneurship efforts is far-reaching. It is inclusive of the state of New Mexico, where she resides, but it has the potential of benefitting school-age children across the country.
Gloria had a clear vision for doing the work. She had been training and mentoring other professionals to write curriculum culturally and linguistically supportive of children, but she needed help with the business side. Through networking, she learned about WESST. WESST provided Gloria with a consultant who understood her mission and met regularly to set short and long-term goals. Her priority was to establish an LLC in a very short time to compete for her first business opportunity. WESST’s expertise in business development expedited the process, and she established her LLC and was awarded her first contract.
Client Details
Gloria I. Rodriguez
Gloria I. Rodriguez & Associates
Client Website
"I appreciate WESST’s approach to supporting my business development. I meet regularly with Rita; we both set our agenda, and it is often a Q&A. I identify my goals, and she provides me with technical assistance, guidance, and valuable planning tools and resources. I’ve also taken advantage of their webinars especially on using technology for business."
Gloria I. Rodriguez
Corrales, NM